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advertising, art, bollywood, Brand, Business, entertainment, Hollywood, Marketing and Advertising, movies, Poster, Products, Shopping, Sticker, Television and Movies, Uncategorized, Wall decal -

  Why do people buy brand merchandise? There can be many versions to this, but simply put the answer is that we have an emotional connection with so many brands throughout our lives & sometimes its just extension of our personality. Its a way of communicating our likes and dislikes to the rest of the world. Its to remind us of who we are and what we’re here to do. At PosterGully we understand this. We make merchandise because we understand how important they are for you. We love what we do, and our only motive is YOU. Cricket fanatic?...

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entertainment, movies, Uncategorized -

Movies are dreams that we experience collectively. With incredible resources at its disposal, Hollywood is one of the most powerful industries in the world, affecting the collective psyche in ways that are ineffable and inevitable. Some of it is good (Schindler’s List, The Lion King), some of it is bad (Transformers, The Lone Ranger) and some unbelievably ugly (Keeping up With the Kardashians.) Below are few magic movie/TV moments which stay with the viewer long after the curtains are closed, warming our cynical hearts. You know something special has happened when the screen melts away and fiction and reality blur...

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Uncategorized -

1. Staring at an empty screen until your eyes water and still not being able to come up with a fun topic that people will want to read and share. 2. Googling random things in the hope that someone somewhere will be able to help you out. 3. Finding things NOBODY should ever see during the aforementioned googling. 4. Realizing that googling isn’t a word. 5. Coming up with a cool title but not having enough content. 6. Wanting to do a picture post but not being able to find what you exactly want. 7. Finding out that someone already...

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Anna Hazare, Bell Bajao, Facebook, India, Kony 2012, Middle East, Twitter, Uncategorized, YouTube -

In the days before the Internet, before social media, before one-to-many interaction was put at the fingertips of anyone with a Facebook or Twitter account, the statement that summed up the thoughts of the silent majority was: ‘I can’t make a difference, so I’m not going to try.’ Now, though, there is a feeling that, with the right content, one person can make a difference – thanks to the reach of social media. It’s a theory the Kony 2012 film put to the test. It’s a theory the spread of anti-government uprisings throughout the Middle East has affirmed. And it’s...

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Blog, Uncategorized, Word, writing -

I write to be nice, I write sometimes to criticize, Sometimes people can see through the lies, So sometimes I write Because I must.   This isn’t a post that will entertain you, nor is it meant to be deeply philosophical. Sometimes, I get stuck, and writing feels like a job, tiring and strenuous.  So I’m writing this here, to remind myself that I chose to be a writer. Because I love words, I love how they sound when you say them aloud. I like how they communicate different meanings to different people. I write because I have to.  ...

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