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advertising, art, bollywood, Brand, Business, entertainment, Hollywood, Marketing and Advertising, movies, Poster, Products, Shopping, Sticker, Television and Movies, Uncategorized, Wall decal -

  Why do people buy brand merchandise? There can be many versions to this, but simply put the answer is that we have an emotional connection with so many brands throughout our lives & sometimes its just extension of our personality. Its a way of communicating our likes and dislikes to the rest of the world. Its to remind us of who we are and what we’re here to do. At PosterGully we understand this. We make merchandise because we understand how important they are for you. We love what we do, and our only motive is YOU. Cricket fanatic?...

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Aliens, Arts, barney, how i met your mother, Sergio Leone, Simpsons, Sticker, suit up, The Big Bang Theory, the good the bad the ugly, Uncategorized, United States -

How I Met Your Mother – because the show is LEGEN- wait for it –DARY! The script is about Ted entertaining his children with the stories of how he wooed and won his wife and their mother with his friends that make account of an amazing story!  It’s all about the stupid stuff and menace that friends do together with a pinch of love, emotions, laughter, fun and a lot of beer! Adding like a cherry on top is the “Self-called” best friend of Ted, Barney who is a confirmed Casanova with outrageous opinions, a penchant for suits and a...

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