
Payment Rates


Every time an item is sold on the PosterGully MonkeyGuitar Marketplace a percentage of the sale price goes to the photographer/artist/designer. The amount is determined by whether the contributor is selling the item only on the PosterGully Marketplace and by how many sales they have had in the past.

For each transaction, the photographer/artist/designer receives a 15-30 % revenue share, which is calculated based on the net sales amount for the transaction. 

Mail us at or call us at 011.40502860 for any queries regarding the payment structure. 

Selling Exclusively: 30%-40%

As a contributor of designs & images on the PosterGully Marketplace you are eligible to receive between 60% and 70% of every sale should you choose to sell only items that are not sold elsewhere. Being an exclusive contributor at simply means that any items you sell on our platform are unique to our libraries.

You are entitled to sell other items elsewhere, but not the same ones. This helps keep the marketplaces healthy and unique, and ensures buyers aren’t just browsing through items they could get anywhere. So to sum up:

You CAN sell other items on other sites, including your own.
You CANNOT sell the same items elsewhere.

New contributors begin at the 25 % level and as sales volume adds up, so does the commission percentage. That means the more you sell at Project MokeyGuitar, the more you earn!

Selling Non-Exclusively: 15-30%

If you are choosing to sell the same content as you are selling on another marketplace or on your own site then you fall into the non-exclusive group. Non-exclusive authors receive 15-30 % of each sale they make on the PosterGully MokeyGuitar Marketplace.
